Tuesday, February 2, 2016


It might seem counter intuitive, but sometimes we all need a little detox from soap.  Let me be more specific. I'm talking about chemical soaps and beauty products. In a previous post I discussed the myth of commercial soap...basically most main stream body bars are in fact not soap but detergents. Not everything that gets sudsy and is used for washing is soap. What's the difference you may ask? Detergent was created in the 1940s. The main advantage is that it can be used in all kinds of water ie: hot, cold, soft, hard etc. They're also often formulated for specific types of cleaning such as industrial grease removal, food stains, medicated etc. They are also full of many chemicals from hardeners to fragrances to preservatives--things that were never intended or made for use on human skin or hair. The result is that sometimes people must go through a detox period to get back to using natural cleaning products.

Variety of Celestial Soap products
Body soap is usually the easiest to switch to because there are few side effects for most people. But keep in mind that just because it's natural doesn't mean it's always safe. It's not uncommon to be allergic to some natural things such as almonds, strawberries, or even honey. So be sure to read the label first. If you have sensitive skin, be aware that some essential oils--especially those with citrus or spices used in soaps can be quite strong. Some of the milder essential oils include lavender and chamomile which are anti-bacterial as well. You might also use an unscented bar or #Celestialsoap Inner Glow, which uses milk, honey, and oatmeal. For oily skin, try a bar with more coconut oil--which is drying. For mature skin try a bar with generous amounts of apricot seed oil, vitamin E, and/or such essential oils such as patchouli, carrot seed, and sandalwood.

Switching to a natural shampoo bar, such as #Celestialsoap Tresse Bar, may take a little extra doing depending on what commercial products you're currently using. Many commercial shampoos have a lot of additives such as parabens and silicones, which end up coating hair with a lot of extra gunk (yes it's a technical term). That gunk makes hair kind of dull and lifeless. Using a natural shampoo bar will the rid of the gunk, but it might take about a week. If hair starts to feel a little sticky after washing with the natural bar, that's the old gunk working loose. Try rinsing with a solution of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water.

Lotions can be a wonderful thing, but again just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good for you. One of the easiest ways to determine which lotions are best is to check the comedogenic rating of the oils in the lotion. The rating grades oils 0-5, with 0 being the best and 5 the worst based on how pore clogging (another technical term) they are.  You can check most common oils here https://www.beneficialbotanicals.com/facts-figures/comedogenic-rating.html. But basically, things like hemp seed oil, argan oil, and linseed oil have a 0 rating, while things like olive oil, beeswax and chamomile oil have a 2, and coconut or palm oil have a 4. For sensitive skin try using a lotion with as few essential oils as possible. Base oils should include shea butter, apricot kernel oil, Vitamin E or aloe gel.

#Celestialsoap is getting ready to unveil new natural deodorant bars. Why go natural? Most deodorants use parabens which have been linked to cancer as well as immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, rashes and fertility issues. The drawback with natural deodorant is similar to what we go through with shampoo. It sometimes takes a few days to detox from all the extra ingredients that literally block sweat. Sometimes when people switch to a natural deodorant, especially if they have sensitive skin to begin with, they may get a bit of a rash. Not to worry. Rashes are usually caused by improper ph levels. So the easiest thing to do is to give yourself a little mud mask for your pits! Start with this before making the switch and then use it a few times over the coming weeks to neutralize everything. The idea is to mix a little paste of equal parts apple cider vinegar, bentonite clay (check Amazon or your health food store) and water. Slap it up under those arms and let it sit for 5 to 15 minutes. In the long run, you'll sweat less, notice less odor and it's better for your body!

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